
Briya’s resources at your fingertips

Case Study

Datasheet: Research Rooms

Briya's Research Rooms offer a superior way to conduct collaborative research within the hospital’s own virtual network. Request the datasheet to learn more

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New FDA Guidelines on Real-World Data: Implications for Healthcare Research and Innovation

The new FDA guidelines represent a significant step forward in recognizing the value of RWD in drug development and approval processes.

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The Value of Briya’s Maternal Health Data

Considering Israel’s pioneering stance in mother-child health, centralized healthcare, the above-average number of annual births, and the diversity of its population, Briya’s data on maternal health is particularly valuable.

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Case Study

Case Study: Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Stage 4

Together with Briya, a leading top 10 pharma company conducted research focused on metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in patients with wild-type characteristics.

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The Importance of Shortening Time to Medical Data

In today's fast-paced world, the timely availability of medical data is crucial for improving patient outcomes and advancing healthcare research

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Case Study

Case Study: Revealing Insights into High-Risk Early-Stage Breast Cancer Treatment

Journey though data: unravelling insights in breast cancer care

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The Rise of Real-World Evidence: Transforming Healthcare Through Patient Data

The healthcare landscape is being reshaped by the increasing adoption of RWD and RWE.

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Embracing One Health: A Holistic Approach to Health and the Role of Briya

Prof. Siegal Sadetzki, Briya's Chief Epidemiology Officer on Integrating Human, Animal, and Environmental Health for a Sustainable Future

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A mid-year interview with Briya’s CEO and Co-Founder David Lazerson 

We interviewed Briya’s CEO and Co-Founder, David Lazerson, to explore 2024 trends in the healthcare industry

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Transforming Financial Challenges in Healthcare: An opportunity for impact

The healthcare sector is struggling with substantial financial challenges - healthcare leaders are actively exploring alternative avenues to generate income for their organizations. One such avenue is sponsored research.

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Briya Achieves ISO 27001 Certification: Strengthening Commitment to Security and Privacy

Briya has officially achieved ISO 27001 certification!

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From Data Points to Human Stories: Enhancing the Patient Journey with RWD

Read in to explore the “full patient journey” role in RWD.

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Closing the Health Equity Gap: The Power of Real-world Data

How to Leverage Real-world Data for Safer and More Equitable Pharmacovigilance

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Why the future of healthcare research is decentralized?

How medical studies will be conducted and why should we embrace data fragmentation.

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Reimagining Label Expansion with Real World Evidence

In this blog we examine an exciting case study that has turned the drug approval process on its head.

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The Golden Age of Decentralized Applications

Why dApp are the next big thing, and what are some of the latest trends pushing this industry forward?

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Briya is joining Intel Ignite’s exclusive accelerator program for deep tech startups

Briya joins Intel Ignite’s 7th cohort in Tel Aviv

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Blockchain applications in the clinic

David speaks in a special panel about medical data sharing in a digital world

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Empowering healthcare research with blockchain

David speaks about how blockchain is a game changer for healthcare research and innovation

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Briya’s Co-Founder and CEO will present at The Medtech Conference

David Lazerson will lecture on the acceleration of medical innovation with blockchain

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One Solution to Health Inequality: Accessible Data

The way to advance a more equitable healthcare system

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The unique technology behind Briya’s revolutionary platform

Co-Founder and CTO of Briya speaks about Briya's technology and its impact on the healthcare world on 'IAM Podcast'

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Briya and UC Berkeley Health Engine

Briya joins UC Berkeley’s prestigious Health Engine

Briya is joining Health Engine's 3rd cohort!

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How Blockchain Can Revolutionize Access to Healthcare Data

Decentralization as a powerful tool that enables faster and better medicine.

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How Data Can Start A Healthcare Revolution

This blog post looks at the positive impact of #covid19 on medical data sharing and the healthcare industry.

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How Faster Data Access Can Save Lives

How to utilize lessons learned from COVID to speed up medical innovation and revolutionize healthcare.

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Talking Medical Data: Data Sharing In A High Tech World

Our panel of experts discuss on some of the most interesting aspects of data sharing in our time

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Briya’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Gadi Lalazar presents Briya at GIHFAI’s roundtable

At this special roundtable of GIHFAI by ELNET, Gadi speaks about Briya's platform

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Blockchain in medical research (Hebrew)

Co-Founder and CEO of Briya talks about Briya on 'Proof Of Talk' podcast

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Talking Medical Data: Healthcare Data In Time Of Crisis

A 1:1 interview with Mr. Moshe Bar-Siman-Tov, former director general of the Israeli MOH

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White Paper

GHIFAI’s Report on Data Access and Data Linkage

Dr. Gadi Lalazar speaks on the evolution of healthcare through data linkage

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Briya at DMEA

David Lazerson, Co-Founder and CEO of Briya, speaks at DMEA

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Protecting Patient Privacy: The Missing Ingredient

How can medical data be shared to benefit patients and improve care without compromising patient privacy?

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