One way to address the shortcomings of maternal health care is by facilitating the proper utilization of patient data. As in most industries, the actual availability of data isn’t the problem: with the digitization of health records, prescriptions, and test results, HMOs and hospitals, in theory, sit on a wealth of data that encompasses nearly the entire patient journey and has the potential to transform maternal healthcare.

The challenge lies in accessing, processing, and translating this data into meaningful insights that are of actual value for advancing research and the development of pharmaceuticals and treatments.

When it comes to mother-child health in particular, common roadblocks are a usually fragmented and incomplete patient journey that ends at childbirth and therefore doesn’t facilitate in-depth research of the long-term effects of child development. In addition, approaches to pregnancy and mother-child care differ extremely from country to country, making it hard to find data that is actually representative of a larger population that exceeds the national borders.

One way to overcome these hurdles is by looking at countries with a diverse population and advanced pregnancy care. Considering Israel’s pioneering stance in mother-child health, centralized healthcare, the above-average number of annual births, and the diversity of its population, Briya’s data on maternal health is particularly valuable.


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Diverse Population and Genetic Versatility

Israel is known for its diverse population, comprising various ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. This diversity provides a rich and varied dataset, crucial for understanding maternal health trends and outcomes across different demographic groups. Analyzing such a diverse dataset allows healthcare providers and researchers to create cohorts and identify individual tendencies, immunities, sensitivities, and needs, and accordingly tailor interventions and patient care. Those can then easily be applied to international communities that might be lacking the same data availability and access. 

High Birth Rates

Israel boasts one of the highest birth rates among developed countries, with an average fertility rate of 2.93 births per woman as of 2023. This high volume of births generates a substantial amount of data, offering a comprehensive view of maternal and neonatal health. The large sample size enhances the reliability and validity of research findings, making it possible to draw meaningful conclusions and develop robust healthcare strategies.

Centralized Health Records

One of the standout features of Israel’s healthcare system is its centralized health records. The system keeps meticulous track of every individual’s health journey, from prenatal care to childbirth and beyond and therefore allows for the most accurate and complete patient journey possible. Dots between test results, prescriptions, medication, and health condition can easily be connected, making the data complete, accurate, and easily accessible, enabling seamless continuity of care. 

Impressive Health Indicators

According to recent data, Israel has achieved remarkable success in several key maternal and child health indicators:

These impressive statistics demonstrate Israel’s commitment to maternal and child health, and provide a solid foundation to advance mother-child health research and patient outcomes.

Turning Data Into A Game-Changer in Maternal Healthcare

The combination of the above mentioned factors turns Briya’s maternal health data into a game-changer in health care. Some of the key benefits include:

Briya’s Role In Advancing Maternal Health

Briya’s maternal health data is a goldmine of information that has the potential to revolutionize maternal and neonatal care. The diverse population of Israel, coupled with high birth rates, centralized health records, impressive health indicators, and ongoing challenges provides an unparalleled dataset that can drive research, enhance personalized care, inform policy development, and enable predictive analytics. With such comprehensive and valuable data, Briya is poised to make a significant impact on maternal health outcomes, not just in Israel but globally.
